Sunday, July 2, 2006

The Best Groomsmen Gift Ever

Case No. 5 [in res]

Name: Zengia
Location: Montpellier
Date of first discovery: July 2004
Remarks: unique place. Treatment ineffective
Story (quote):
I slept with my friend for the first time in July 2004. The Rise of
next day was very painful bites infested by "paths". The bedding was old
(boxspring, mattress wool), and I immediately thought of
fleas or mosquitoes. I go home, nothing more.
I return to my friend, I do eat up about thirty
bites per night. Bites are very swollen, red, hot and extremely painful
. My friend changed the bedding. A weekend without an injection,
but a week after Rebelote. Consulting various doctors (3
general, 1 Dermatology, 2 allerguologues) that I prescribe various
ointments, antihistamines, anti-allergenic mites (
bites every week. An enormous stress!). Assume
bites of mites, spiders, food allergies, nervousness (!)
scabies, etc. ... Nothing was done to relieve myself apart
homeopathic ointment soothes pain and itching. The piece is yet
tiled, walls painted, and there is no furniture except a
chest and armoire. Passage of two smoke considered powerful.
passage of the new bedding in the "vaporetto". Anti-mite sprays. I'm afraid
sleep in this room, tantrums repeatedly, can not sleep
, bugs even manage to bite me while I wear a pajama
head to toe! We decided a year later (with friction
laws), sleeping in the room next door. There is no problem, no
sting while the chamber is filled with carpet. We return
in the room, Rebelote. Obviously my friend has never been bitten. And I do
never brought home by cons!
One day, two months ago, a person has stayed in his room and was devoured
. I'm not alone. The beast seems to s'intéressée
the skins of young girls, my friend has never been bitten, adult women
either. After thorough search of the room, there are these famous critters
well hidden in the stereo speakers of the chamber. After examining veterinarian
, it appears that they are bed bugs ...
2 years to find them, 2 years of painful crises, I am obviously
scarred for life on the arms, legs, back, big white scars very
showy. When a practice in relation professsion
customer is not aesthetic. A
today, we sleep constantly in the room next door, I nervously
relieved and I feel better. I have no more curious eyes of
from my colleagues on the state of my skin devastated. We expect the
move in September to finally breathe. We will not
elements of the room of my friend. Now that we have identified
beast, I think we'll take a highly targeted treatment. But I guess you
treat the whole house ...

tips that might be useful:
Always think about the bedding, but you can see, bed bugs can also hide in furniture items most incongruous (here, a hi-fi).
We also see that mere smoke may be ineffective.


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