Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How Does Active Netural

Colonel - Limited Edition MAN

A limited series of a few exceptional pieces!

Listed on www.le-colonel.fr

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Morton's Tender Quick Salt

Colonel in the heart of the city of Popes ...

GOOD NEWS! Hardwax welcomes you with smile and CLIM!

All week, Colonel squats this little corner of freshness to make you discover its innovations!

Find a salon / boutique atypical heart of the city of Popes corner with Vintage exhibition of artists, creators and Young Vynil!

importantly a team of talented scissors in hand!

then .... you coming? ;)

Hardwax Concept Store
36 Rue Carreterie
84000 Avignon

Tues * Wed * Fri * Sat

* hair *

vinyl shop * * *

vintage furnitures * *

gallery 'Contemporary Arts *

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

People With Yellow Eyes

Partnership request

Name: Roseline
Name: Fofana

Occupation: Accountant / Framework bank in Côte d'Ivoire

My sincere greetings and apologies to you.
First and foremost, I apologize for my intrusion into your privacy. In short, my name Roseline Fofana Framework bank Ivory Coast. An account was opened in our bank in 1999 and since 2004, no operation was performed. This account shows to date in our books, a credit account 6.5 million five hundred thousand U.S. dollars. After meticulously searched all the archives and records relating to this account, I realized that I could easily this money if I succeeded in transferring to an account outside so I'm looking for discrete and honest partner.

The owner of this account was the late Mr. Jean Philippe Cosa, an expatriate director of Petrol-Technical Support Services Inc., a chemical engineer, died following a traffic accident. And nobody knows to this day the existence of this account. This account has no other beneficiary as well in his family that his former company.

I would like to transfer this money into a safe account abroad, but I do not know anyone outside. I saw your site on the net, I want you to help me transfer this money to invest in your domain or buy buildings and this way I got the idea to contact you and you make a proposal to transfer this sum into your bank account, for sharing, that is half and half

I realize that this message will surprise you because we did not know before, but be sure it ' is a real opportunity that I offer.
I ask you to answer me as soon as possible.
Roseline Fofana